Suggesting rethinking, redesigning or reevaluating processes around workflows, organization, and employees. As part of the Agile people community, enrolled in Agile HR training, where as part of it, I was introduced to Meddlers games and Happiness door games, and knew nothing about until then. Since sharing is always practice, this game concept seemed like a good thing to be presented in our company. As we tried to figure out the concept of the game, we indeed were able to re-design and plan our organizational structure. Significantly to understand each other’s roles in the organization. Now that we had hats pictures to symbolize them, it was much clearer.
The Meddlers game made it visible to realize how our organization looks like and what is needed for future.
The game itself is very interesting, yet there are no specific rules, no winners, nor losers. The Meddlers game gave us insight on where we stand and what we should do next. The most interesting part was that in opened our minds for different perspectives and opportunities we might grasp, in order to be more flexible and effective.
As an addition for our office but not limited to it, we also created a happiness door. Happiness door is simply a place where you stick a note that is expressing mood. The effect of seeing other people’s feelings, thoughts or attitudes is priceless. Especially varieties of funny interpretations while reading them thus some were replying. This encourages employees to share and express themselves whenever they feel like it. Indeed, this tool and approach is a happiness motivator, boosting interactions and contributes to positive culture.